Ardósia de Canelas
Schist and Slate

Ardósia de Canelas
Schist and Slate
Dark-coloured, grey-bluish ardosia slate. Finely granulated, homogeneous, with a clear schist cleavage and small, very scattered nodules.
Other Names
Ardósia de Arouca, Ardósia de Canelas – Nomenclatura EN12440
Petrographic Classification
Canelas – Arouca (Aveiro)
Common Uses
Coverings, wall coatings and other indoor and outdoor applications. Pavement application is conditioned by the expected influx.
Available Reserves
Rochas Ornamentais Portuguesas (
Compression breaking load156 Mpa
Compression breaking load after freezing test138 Mpa
Bending strength33 Mpa
Volumetric weigth2820 kg/m3
Water absorption at N.P. conditions0,6 %
Aparent porosity1,2 %
Thermal linear expansion coeficient8,6 X 10 -6 perº C
Abrasion test (Amsler-Laffon)5,0 mm
Impact test: minimum fall height110 cm
Note: After 25 frost-defrost cycles the test pieces did not present any modifications in colour or structure.
Ardósias Valério & Figueiredo, Lda.Arouca
Ardósias Valério & Figueiredo, Lda.Arouca
SOLICEL – Sociedade do Centro Industrial de Esteios de Lousa, Lda.Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Transgranitos – Mármores e Granitos do Alto Tâmega, Lda.Vila Pouca de Aguiar